Sunday, July 7, 2013

The YinYang of parents

My parents are the Yin and Yang in my life; two contrasting energies that compliment one another and create a Balance in my life.

Mum and Dad couldn't be any more different in many ways. Mum is extroverted, explosive, a worrier and not very sporty. Dad, on the other Hand, is introverted, mellow, a thinker and very sporty. There is one thing though, that does not contrast at all, but rather is projected in the exact same way - their unconditional love for me, the truest and purest kind of love anyone can receive.

There have been many trialling times with my relationship between mum and dad, individually and collectively. I was astranged from dad for an extended period of time, in a way that we didn't know how to approach one another anymore, creating a huge distance (physical and emotional) between us. I moved to Australia with mum some years after they divorced and it proved a struggle to maintain an intact relationship with my dad.
Mum and I have had the typical Mother/Daughter arguments, one of which resulted in mum moving out of home for an extended period of time. I know... you'd think she would have kicked me out, but even when shes angry at me she simply wants the best for me.

There was a time, after mum and dad had split up, where they weren't the Yin and Yang in my life. They were still two contrasting Forces, but not in a harmonic kind of way, they were working against one another, not with one another, even when it came to me.

The Yin and Yang syombolizes continuality and flow, and I believe when that flow is disturbed in the relationship between the parents it disturbs the Balance within the child(ren). Mum and Dad have found that Balance in their relationship again, as parents.

Eventhough it sounds Cliché, those trialling times have made the bond between me and my parents stronger. My parents know (Close to) everything about my life, I value their opinion. I have learnt that they only have an opinion because they care and want the best for me, not because they want to criticise me. I have also learnt that their idea of 'best' isn't neccessarily the best for me, but they give me the freedom to grow and develope into my own kind of best, helping me find my path when I get lost. I have learnt that mum and dad do, sometimes, know me better than I know myself. That they can help me understand myself when I have no idea who I am. That they believe in my dreams. That they will catch me if I fall.

Eventhough mum and dad aren't together as a couple anymore, they are still very much together as my parents. Their energies flow in such contrasting ways that they work together as one  -  the ONE being my Parents, the Yin and Yang of security and happiness in my life.

Words don't have the capacity to express the amount of love and admiration I have for my parents. I am thankful to have Louise and Werner as my parents, they are the best parents to me.

Unconditional Love forever.

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